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Strenx Sheet Metals
 Strenks is one of the structural steel that offers the widest choice in the world which among the steel products with high durability and high performance when a strong and subtle production logic for higher performance.
 Strenks is one of the structural steel that offers the widest choice in the world which among the steel products with high durability and high performance when a strong and subtle production logic for higher performance.
 Strenks is one of the structural steel that offers the widest choice in the world which among the steel products with high durability and high performance when a strong and subtle production logic for higher performance.
 Strenks is one of the structural steel that offers the widest choice in the world which among the steel products with high durability and high performance when a strong and subtle production logic for higher performance.
 Strenks is one of the structural steel that offers the widest choice in the world which among the steel products with high durability and high performance when a strong and subtle production logic for higher performance.
 Strenks is one of the structural steel that offers the widest choice in the world which among the steel products with high durability and high performance when a strong and subtle production logic for higher performance.
 Strenks is one of the structural steel that offers the widest choice in the world which among the steel products with high durability and high performance when a strong and subtle production logic for higher performance.


Strenks is one of the structural steel that offers the widest choice in the world which among the steel products with high durability and high performance when a strong and subtle production logic for higher performance.
These products can be produced with different sizes and dimensions depending on a very wide structural range.

Strenx steel sheet products to obtain high durability performance can be used in trailer production, crane industry, concrete pumps, agricultural machinery, trailer production and forestry sector.

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