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  • كروم ورقة المعادن
     Chromium, which can withstand temperatures up to 700-800 degrees, is mostly seen in industrial enterprises, kitchen, petro-chemical, construction sector.
     Chromium, which can withstand temperatures up to 700-800 degrees, is mostly seen in industrial enterprises, kitchen, petro-chemical, construction sector.
     Chromium, which can withstand temperatures up to 700-800 degrees, is mostly seen in industrial enterprises, kitchen, petro-chemical, construction sector.
     Chromium, which can withstand temperatures up to 700-800 degrees, is mostly seen in industrial enterprises, kitchen, petro-chemical, construction sector.
     Chromium, which can withstand temperatures up to 700-800 degrees, is mostly seen in industrial enterprises, kitchen, petro-chemical, construction sector.
     Chromium, which can withstand temperatures up to 700-800 degrees, is mostly seen in industrial enterprises, kitchen, petro-chemical, construction sector.
     Chromium, which can withstand temperatures up to 700-800 degrees, is mostly seen in industrial enterprises, kitchen, petro-chemical, construction sector.


    Chromium, which can withstand temperatures up to 700-800 degrees, is mostly seen in industrial enterprises, kitchen, petro-chemical, construction sector.

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